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Foodstuffs donation

In support of the local community
Fill the food banks

Hits Radio are working with Greater Manchester food banks to support struggling families over the 6 weeks school holidays.

As we all know it is now the summer holidays, and for most children this is a great time as they have 6 whole weeks off school. But for families that don’t have a lot of money this can be a worry and struggle for them to find the extra cash for the meals that their children would normally get in school, as a lot of families rely on free school dinners.

To help them through this trying time a lot of these families rely heavily on local food banks to keep themselves and their children fed, however due to high demand the food banks are quickly running short of essentials so they are appealing to people to fill the food banks so no child or family goes hungry.

LTE staff have over the past week been donating essentials to support this worthy cause, and together we have amassed a considerable supply of foodstuff which will be donated to the foodbank today to help support those families in need.

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Foodstuffs donation

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