LTE Touchclave Systems Porous Load Sterilizers provide medium to large capacity sterilization solutions for CSSD/HSDU.
Our range of porous load rectangular chambered sterilizers are available in nine standard sizes from 326 to 1274 litres. Larger sized units up to 10,000 litres can also be provided.
All models can be configured for either single entry or pass-through. All Touchclave Systems Porous Load models are fitted with a wide selection of features as standard, all designed to ensure optimum performance and the fastest possible cycle times.
In addition to traditional loading trolley systems, LTE is also able to provide assisted and automated loading solutions.
Touchclave Porous Load Systems are fully compliant to HTM 01-01.
Capacities: 326, 435, 545, 636, 740, 860, 870, 1052 and 1274-litres plus bespoke sizes
Pass-Through: Available throughout range
Chamber Section: Rectangular
Loading: Front
Heating Source: Integral/stand-alone steam generator or direct steam supply, clean steam option available
Temperatures: 105 – 137°C
See below for key features and popular options