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KEN AL10 Automated Loading System

The KEN AL10 automated loading system is an autonomous robotic loading system, designed to independently transport KEN racks in busy sterile services departments.

The AL10 is a smart system that has been designed to increase department throughput with a focus on ergonomics and staff health & safety.

Using an intelligent system design the AL10 is capable of autonomously navigating around the room whilst safely avoiding obstacles and people, this is achieved with a series of built-in cameras, sensors and laser scanners and sophisticated software.

The AL10 uses RFID to communicate with each washer, rack and storage table which allows it to schedule rack collections and deliveries with specific machines accordingly.

While the AL10 is not scheduled to collect/deliver a rack it will automatically head to its charging station to ensure maximum uptime.

Using the AL10 within your department will reduce the risks involved with staff having to manually push, pull and lift heavy racks, this will also reduce the risks associated with staff handling hot racks straight out of the washers.

Outer Dimensions Min: HWD 790 x 823 x 1017mm
Outer Dimensions Max: HWD 1050 x 823 x 1017mm

See below for key features and popular options

Key Features

Robotic Loading
Made for bigger operations including CSSD units the AL10 robot is an autonomous loading unit capable of automatically loading and unloading KEN washers.
Reduced Noise Levels
When compared to the standard loading/unloading of manual loading trolleys the AL10 provides a smoother transition of the racks between machines and storage racks reducing the sound output for a quieter working environment.
Health & Ergonomics
Reduce heavy lifting and manual handling within the department by having the AL10 do all the heavy work for you.
The AL10 communicates with the washers and racks using RFID, this allows the AL10 to schedule the loading of the correct racks to machines based on cycle parameters.
Optimal Throughput
As the AL10 operates autonomously this will free up valuable time for staff to be focusing on other key areas for smoother departmental operations.

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